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Showing posts with label pemutih kulit. Show all posts

A new scientific study confirms the accuracy of Perfect Corp's AI skin technology. To assess skin problems in a dermatological setting


NEW YORK, Sept. 14, 2022 - (BUSINESSWIRE) - Stephen R. Feldman, Pro
fessor of Dermatology at Wake Forest School of Medicine, validates Perfect's AI skin technology. did. The evaluation checks the skin characteristics in the dermatologist's office and in the medical spa area. A leading provider of artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) beauty and fashion technology solutions, Perfect His Corporation is the creator of AI Skin Technology, an award-winning solution based on AI deep learning technology. The cutting-edge AI-powered skin analysis software can accurately analyze your skin and identify up to 14 major skin issues including wrinkles, redness, firmness, radiance and acne. Recently certified as HIPAA compliant, this innovative solution transforms the dermatology and medical spa industry by providing a professional, accurate, fast and cost-effective skin analysis solution.

Photo : Perfect Corporation's AI skin technology

A new scientific study confirms the accuracy of Perfect Corporation's AI skin technology. For evaluation of skin problems in dermatology (photo:Business Wire)

New Medical Study Confirms Perfect's Accuracy AI Skin Tech

In a new report, Dr. Steven R. Feldman shared the results of two of his in-depth studies evaluating Perfect Corp.'s AI skin technology. Compared to both physician evaluation and imaging equipment, considered the standard for skin analysis in clinical research.The report's findings confirm the high accuracy of Perfect Corp's technology. Identification of skin problems in patients, and software speed and cost advantages.

1. Superior test-retest reliability :This report shows that Perfect Corp.'s AI skin technology has demonstrated excellent test-retest reliability (ICC > 0.90) evaluated using Cronbach's alpha measure of intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and internal consistency. Achieved. In this study, we observed the software's results when analyzing patients with different skin tones, skin types, ages, genders, and skins with different lighting conditions and backgrounds. The results were very consistent and accurate, identifying the same major skin issues with each scan.

2High correlation with medical skin assessment : The study looked at data generated by Perfect Corp.'s AI Skin software. The resulting skin scores correlated strongly with the doctor-administered scores, demonstrating the accuracy and precision of the software in detecting skin problems.

3. High correlation with clinical imaging systems with dedicated hardware and cameras: The report also analyzes the results of Perfect Corp's AI skin analysis technology. Clinical equipment for skin analysis in dermatology compared to clinical imaging systems with dedicated hardware and cameras. This study confirmed a high correlation between the results of the two solutions for each skin problem measured.

Photo : Perfect Corporation's AI skin technology

4. AI Skin Software is a seamless and cost-effective solution : Imaging booths are considered the standard for skin analysis in clinical settings, but they often consist of bulky hardware that requires specialized and expensive equipment to operate. Perfect Corp's AI skin software is a cost-effective alternative that easily integrates with a variety of devices and platforms and works seamlessly from a smartphone or tablet in the patient's hand or from her modern web browser. With highly optimized AI algorithms, Perfect Corp.'s AI skin software delivers consistent and reliable results without the need for dedicated hardware, special cameras, lighting and background settings, or special probes can do.

5. Fast skin analysis : Comparing the time required to perform a skin analysis, Perfect's AI skin software can deliver results 20 times faster than his clinical imaging system and provide an accurate skin analysis instantly. Market-leading AI deep learning models are tuned for lightning-fast skin analysis on mobile devices and modern web browsers. Perfect Corp's AI skin software uses multi-core CPU computing, GPU, TPU and NPU processors and highly optimized algorithms for ultimate performance.

Extendingaward-winning AI skin technology into new areas

“We are pleased to share the results of Dr. said: "Very accurate reading for creating skin problems."


Style Korea - Tak bisa dipungkiri, saat ini k-fashion yang juga dikenal dengan gaya Korea sedang hits dan digandrungi oleh anak muda. Tak hanya di Indonesia, anak muda di seluruh dunia pun berlomba-lomba mengupdate foto dan video ala fashion Korea. Nah, bagi Anda yang juga ingin tampil gagah seperti para pujaan negeri ginseng tersebut, silahkan simak tipsnya pada artikel di bawah ini.

Foto : Style Cewe Korea

Setelah membahas mengenai fakta-fakta singkat tentang dunia fashion ala Korea, kini saatnya kita membahas mengenai bagaimana sih cara agar kamu bisa tampil modis ala style wanita Korea.

1. Oversized Outfit Dipadu Celana Pendek 

Pertama, gadis Korea menyukai pakaian kebesaran. Memang ada juga orang yang memakai pakaian jurnalistik, namun pada umumnya gaya Korea lebih ke oversized, yakni kebesaran. Ini karena kebanyakan gadis Korea terobsesi dengan tubuh yang kecil dan kurus. Alhasil, saat kamu mengenakan pakaian longgar, musim gugur akan sangat imut atau "kyeopta" dalam bahasa Korea.

Foto : Style/Gaya Cewe Korea

2. Bawahan Bisa Segala Model 

Nah, nanti kamu bisa bereksperimen dengan bawahannya. Meski atasannya oversized, kamu bisa memakainya dengan celana pendek, rok mini atau bahkan legging tergantung tampilan yang kamu pilih. Dari sporty, kasual hingga elegan.

Foto : Cewe Cantik Style Korea

3. Warna Pastel dan Monokrom Mendominasi 

Ketiga, gadis Korea sering memakai pakaian berwarna pastel dan monokrom. Ini karena warna-warna ini netral, terlihat menenangkan dan dapat dipadukan dengan pakaian musim apa pun. Selain itu, warna pastel dan warna monokromatik yang lembut akan sangat cocok dipadukan dengan kulit wanita Korea, terutama putih susu dengan sentuhan peach.

Foto : Cewe Baju Seksi Korea

4. Dress Buat Style ala Korea Sehari-Hari? Bisa Banget! 

Ingin tampil lebih feminim? Jangan khawatir, ada banyak gadis Korea yang memakai rok untuk tampilan kasual. Jadi bukan hanya acara meriah saja kamu bisa memakai rok tapi di hari biasa sebenarnya juga bisa. Untuk tampil kasual, para gadis Korea kerap memasangkan dress ini dengan outfit seperti blazer atau sneakers.

Foto : Style Cewe Cantik Korea

5. V-Neck Jadi Andalan Style Ala Korea 

Kelima, kamu yang ingin berpenampilan seperti cewek Korea tentunya harus menimbun gaun v-neck dan T-shirt di rumah. Dengan potongan rendah, V-neck sangat populer di kalangan wanita Korea karena menyanjung sosok mereka dengan cara yang unik. Seperti yang kita semua tahu, gadis-gadis Korea memiliki berat badan yang dijaga ketat dengan standar ideal mereka sendiri.

Foto : Cosplay Cewe Korea

6. Tabrak Warna Juga Tidak Masalah 

Selain itu, kamu yang berani bereksperimen dengan pakaian juga bisa memilih warna kontras. Biasanya, pakaian jenis ini akan dikenakan oleh gadis-gadis Korea di musim panas ketika Anda tidak membutuhkan mantel tebal atau mantel besar. Namun, warna yang dipilih tentunya harus berkelas, misalnya jika Anda mengenakan kemeja dengan motif gelap dengan tone yang menonjol seperti orange.

Bagaimana? Sudah siap mengaplikasikan style Korea wanita di Indonesia? Kamu juga bisa menyontek inspirasi outfit ala Suzy di drama Korea “Start-Up”. Silahkan pilih mana gaya yang paling membuatmu nyaman, ya.


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